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The project has been developed within the framework of "Learning with at Bauhaus University Weimar. During the seminar in Summer Semester 2023, the students of the international master program European Urban Studies has been invited to explore the topic of housing as an archive through interdisciplinary artistic and multi-modal anthropological methods. 


Co-Authors Students of European Urban Studies
Anna Alayskaya, Greta Bonnecke, Suneeth Bosipoina Golla, Shivani Desai, Sophie Helene Marie Erman, Sonia Fiona Fernandes, Jönne Stefan Huhnt, Viola Majdandzic, Polina Medvedeva, Theresa Münzenberger, Wiebke Rollmann, Ana Carolina Rotava Paim, Elizaveta Tuneva, Jolien Vandoorne, Lisa Esch


Jun. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Daniela Zupan, Galyna Sukhomud


​Housing as a unit of material and architectural production is inseparably connected to the socio-political systems that engender it, but it is also shaped through personal interactions. Taking as the point of departure concrete housing objects, the seminar Housing: an Archive has been exploring the embeddedness of housing materiality in societal processes of sense- and meaning-making. The concept of the archive has been mobilized in order to uncover the multifaceted socio-cultural practices of home-making that these objects as material artifacts entail and enable. In doing so the seminar has been revealing connections between the personal and the political, between housing as a container and transmitter of personal memory and ordinary life and as an artifact of certain social imaginations and politics


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